Tele MAB no. 878
Rabu, 18 Ogos 2021
Tel. no.: 03-22722687
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
Terdapat 1 pengumuman baharu,
1. Rumah PPR bagi OKU Penglihatan.
Perumahan dan penyewaan adalah masalah utama di kalangan orang buta yang tinggal di bandar, terutamanya dalam tempoh sekatan pergerakan ini. Bagaimana kami boleh menolong? Semua yang telah memohon peruntukan rumah kepada DBKL dan PKNS, sila maklumkan sebelum 30 Ogos kepada Cik Gayathri di samb 297 atau melalui WhatsApp di 014-3282019. Sila berikan maklumat yang berkaitan seperti nama, no IC. dan alamat surat-menyurat terkini.
Terima kasih,
Cik Santhi Selvam
Cik Roslina Mohamed.
Tele MAB no. 878
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Tel. no.: 03-22722687
Hello friends,
There is 1 new announcement,
1. PPR house for the visually-impaired.
Housing and rental are prime issues among the blind residing in towns, especially during this lockdown period. How can we help? All who have applied for the house allocation to DBKL and PKNS, please inform before 30 August to Ms. Gayathri at ext. 297 or through her WhatsApp no. at 014-3282019. Please give the relevant info such as name, IC no. and latest correspondence address.
Thank you,
Ms. Santhi Selvam
Ms. Roslina Mohamed.
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