Tele MAB no. 881
Rabu, 26 Januari 2022
No. tel.: 03-22722687
Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,
Terdapat 1 pengumuman baharu,
1. Biasiswa Memorial Tun Hussein Onn.
Institut Jurutera Malaysia (IEM) menawarkan biasiswa untuk pelajar universiti cacat penglihatan (Ijazah). Biasiswa bernilai RM6000.00 setahun dan ditadbir oleh MAB. Ini adalah biasiswa pertama yang ditubuhkan oleh IEM sempena memperingati Allahyarham Tun Hussein Onn. Anugerah ini mestilah diberikan kepada seorang pelajar OKU Penglihatan yang sedang mengikuti mana-mana kursus, tidaklah perlu dalam Kejuruteraan sahaja. Pilihan dan cadangan calon adalah daripada Yayasan Tun Hussein Onn. Bayaran akan dikeluarkan selepas slip keputusan disediakan setiap tahun. Untuk maklumat lanjut, terutamanya syarat pencalonan, sila hubungi Puan Kavitha Devi di samb. 147.
Thank you,
Ms. Santhi Selvam
Ms. Roslina Mohamed.
Tele MAB no. 881
Wednesday, 26 January 2022
Tel. no.: 03-22722687
Hello friends,
There is 1 new announcement,
1. The Tun Hussein Onn Memorial Scholarship.
The Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) is offering scholarship for the visually impaired university students (Degree). The scholarship worth RM6000.00 annum and administered by MAB. This is the first scholarship established by IEM with the consent of Allahyarham Tun Hussein Onn. The award must be given to a visually impaired student who is undertaking any course, not necessary in Engineering. The choice and recommendation of the candidate is from The Tun Hussein Onn Foundation. The payment will be released after they already have provided the result slip yearly. For more info, especially the nomination condition, please contact Mrs Kavitha Devi at ext. 147.
Thank you,
Ms. Santhi Selvam
Ms. Roslina Mohamed.
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