Tele MAB no. 886
Selasa, 5 April 2022
No. tel.: 03-22722687
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
Terdapat 1 pengumuman baharu
1. Pengedaran Bubur Lambuk di MAB.
Nestle Malaysia menerusi produk MAGGInya akan mengagihkan 1000 bungkus Bubur Lambuk di perkarangan MAB pada Rabu, 6 April 2022 bermula jam 4.30 petang hingga 6.30 petang.
Program ini adalah kerjasama antara Nestle, MAB, dan Food Aid Foundation.
Warga OKU Penglihatan dijemput untuk mengambil bubur lambuk yang disediakan. Bersama-sama kita meriahkan program pertama seumpamanya ini anjuran Nestle yang menukar corak program pertandingan rayanya kepada agihan ini. Sebarang pertanyaan atau maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi MAB di 03-22722677 atau menerusi email,
Terima kasih,
Cik Santhi Selvam
Cik Roslina Mohamed.
Tele MAB no. 886
Tuesday, 5 April 2022
Tel. no. 03-22722687
Hello friends,
There is 1 new announcement,
1. Distribution of Bubur Lambuk at MAB.
Nestle Malaysia with their product brand MAGGI will be launching Bubur Lambuk to be given away to the blind community and people with disabilities at Kompleks MAB
Nestle jointly with Food Aid Foundation & MAB will be distributing close to 1000 bowls of Bubur Lambuk at Kompleks MAB, on Wednesday 6 April 2022 from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm.
Would be pleased if you are able to attend and be part of this maiden distribution event of Maggi's initiative this year diverting from their usual Maggi annual raya competitions.
Please do call for more clarifications to MAB at 03-22722677 (or) by email to
Thank you,
Ms. Santhi Selvam.
Ms. Roslina Mohamed.
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